Экстрагент меди DZ5640

Экстрагент меди DZ5640

Copper solvent extraction is an essential process used in the copper mining and processing industry. The extraction of copper from copper-containing ores and solutions requires a well-designed and efficient copper extractant. ДЗ988Н, ДЗ973Н, and DZ902 are examples of copper extractants that are widely used in the industry due to their high selectivity towards copper.

ДЗ988Н, ДЗ973Н, and DZ902 belong to the class of organic compounds known as hydroxyoximes, which have shown excellent results in the extraction of copper from various sources. These extractants have been used in copper mining and processing operations for many years, and their performance and efficacy are well-established.

The use of DZ988N, ДЗ973Н, and DZ902 has allowed the mining industry to recover copper more efficiently and cost-effectively. These extractants have been specially designed to selectively bind with copper ions in the aqueous phase, while leaving impurities such as iron and nickel behind. Using these extractants results in a high-purity final product, with cathode copper purity levels of over 99.99%.

Более того, these copper extractants have also shown improved efficiency when compared to traditional copper extractants such as DZ88 and DZ902. The use of DZ988N, ДЗ973Н, and DZ902 has resulted in lower extractant consumption, reduced energy consumption, and higher copper recovery rates.

В заключение, ДЗ988Н, ДЗ973Н, and DZ902 are efficient and selective copper extractants that have revolutionized the copper mining and processing industry. Their high selectivity towards copper, combined with their improved efficiency, has enabled mining companies to recover copper from ores and solutions more efficiently and cost-effectively. The use of these extractants has also led to high-purity final products, with cathode copper purity levels surpassing 99.99%. The mining industry continues to explore the potential of copper extractants and develop new, innovative extractants for use in copper solvent extraction processes.

Мы специально, чтобы сосредоточиться на R&Реагенты для экстракции металлов D, наши основные продукты, как показано ниже:

  1. ДЗ988Н/ДЗ973Н/ДЗ902 реагент для экстракции меди растворителем.
  2. ДЗ272 никель, кобальт, марганец, и экстрагент для разделения магния.
  3. ДИ319 высокоэффективный экстракционный экстрагент никель-кобальт.
  4. ДИ377 эффективный экстрагент для разделения никеля и алмазов.
  5. ДИ366 новый усовершенствованный никель-кобальтовый экстрагент.
  6. P204 (D2EHPA или HDEHP) экстрагент.
  7. ДИ301, DY302 для утилизации отработавшего ядерного топлива.
  8. Прочие экстракционные реагенты для экстрагента ванадия, Экстрагент лития, Экстрагент железа и экстрагент редкоземельных элементов.