Blackmass ve MHP'nin işlem süreci

Blackmass ve MHP'nin işlem süreci

Blackmass ve MHP'nin işlem süreci, the raw materials for lithium batteries, can be carried out as follows:

1. Crushing and screening: Properly crush Blackmass and MHP to obtain appropriate particle size.

2. Sulfuric acid leaching: The screened raw material is reacted with dilute sulfuric acid to extract metal ions.

3. Solution purification: Use methods such as filtration and centrifugation to remove solid impurities from sulfuric acid solution.

4. Metal separation: By using techniques such as chemical reduction and solution extraction, metal ions such as nickel, kobalt, and manganese in the solution are separated. Bu süreç sırasında, appropriate reducing and extracting agents are selected to enable each metal ion to be reduced or extracted separately. The specific process flow and operating conditions should be optimized and adjusted according to the actual situation to ensure the purity and yield of the product.

D2EHPA (İle ilgili (2-etilheksil) phosphonic acid) and DY272 extractants are the most commonly used extractants for the extraction and separation of metal ions.

D2EHPA is an organic phosphate extractant that can form stable complexes with metal ions such as nickel and cobalt, and be extracted from solutions.

DY272 extractant is an organic solvent containing oxalic acid groups, particularly suitable for the extraction of nickel ions.

During the solution purification process, D2EHPA or DY272 extractants can be added to combine metal ions with the extractant, forming a complex between the organic and aqueous phases. By phase separation, metal ions can be extracted from the solution.

Ek olarak, our newly developed DY319, DY366, and DY377 extractants can greatly improve the extraction efficiency of nickel cobalt manganese lithium. If you have any related needs, please contact us by email for further discussion.

Aşağıdaki gibi metal çıkarıcılarımız:

  1. DZ988N/DZ973N/DZ902 bakır çözücü ekstraksiyon reaktifi.
  2. DY319 yüksek verimli nikel kobalt ekstraksiyon özütleyici, nikel laterit cevherinden veya Lityum pil elektrolitinden nikel ve kobaltı birlikte çıkarabilir.
  3. DZ272 Nikel kobalt ayırma özütleyici, kobaltı nikel kobalt çözeltisinden çıkarabilir.
  4. DY377 verimli nikel ve elmas ayırma özütleyici.
  5. DY366 yeni gelişmiş nikel kobalt özütleyici.
  6. P204 (D2EHPA veya HDEHP) özütleyici.
  7. DY301, Nükleer kullanılmış yakıt geri kazanımı için DY302.
  8. Vanadyum özütleyici için diğer özütleme reaktifleri, lityum özütleyici, Ferro özütleyici ve nadir toprak özütleyici.