Реагент для екстракції міді розчинником DY5640, який використовується в Болівії

Реагент для екстракції міді розчинником DY5640, який використовується в Болівії

DY5640 is a copper solvent extraction reagent that has become increasingly popular in Bolivia’s mining industry due to its exceptional performance in extracting copper from copper ore in a safe, cost-effective manner. This reagent offers a significant improvement over older formulations, providing a cleaner, more efficient extraction process that benefits both the environment and the bottom line.

Copper mining is an important part of Bolivia’s economy, and many of the country’s mines rely on solvent extraction to recover copper from ore. Solvent extraction is a process that involves dissolving copper from ore using a solvent, and then extracting the copper from the solvent using a selective reagent. DY5640 is a selective reagent that has been specifically developed to extract copper from copper ore using solvent extraction.

DY5640 was developed by a team of experts from leading chemical companies, who collaborated to create a product that would meet the specific needs of the mining industry. In Bolivia, it has been extensively tested and proven to be highly effective in extracting copper from ore.

One of the standout features of DY5640 is its high selectivity for copper, which means that it can accurately target and extract copper from ore without also extracting unwanted minerals. This is an important consideration in the mining industry, as it reduces the amount of waste generated by the extraction process and avoids unnecessary harm to the environment.

A further benefit of DY5640 is its excellent performance in varied temperatures and concentrations, which makes it an ideal solvent extraction reagent for a range of copper ore types. It is also highly stable and easy to handle, which makes it a low-risk, low-maintenance option for mining companies.

The cost savings of DY5640 compared to other solvent extraction reagents on the market have been significant, with projections that it could result in tens of millions of dollars in savings for Bolivian copper mines each year. This is due in part to DY5640’s ability to extract more copper from each tonne of copper ore, which reduces the amount of ore that needs to be mined to obtain the desired amount of copper.

The use of DY5640 in Bolivia is also an important step towards sustainable mining practices. Because of its high selectivity for copper, it reduces the amount of unwanted minerals that are extracted from the ore, minimizing the impact on local ecosystems. Додатково, the stability and low toxicity of DY5640 make it a safer option for workers and surrounding communities.

In conclusion, the use of DY5640 copper solvent extraction reagent in Bolivia represents a significant improvement in the efficiency, безпеки, and environmental impact of mining practices. Its high selectivity for copper, стабільність, and low toxicity make it a valuable option for mining companies looking to improve their extraction processes, while its cost-effectiveness and environmental benefits suggest that it may continue to gain popularity in Bolivia and other mining regions around the world.

Особливу увагу ми приділяємо R&D реактиви для екстракції металів, наші основні продукти, як показано нижче:

  1. DZ988N/DZ973N/DZ902 мідний екстракційний реагент розчинником.
  2. DZ272 Нікель, кобальт, марганець, і екстрагент для виділення магнію.
  3. DY319 високоефективний нікель-кобальтовий коекстрагент.
  4. DY377 ефективний екстрагент для розділення нікелю та алмазу.
  5. DY366 новий вдосконалений нікель-кобальтовий екстрагент.
  6. P204 (D2EHPA або HDEHP) екстрагент.
  7. DY301, DY302 для відновлення ядерного відпрацьованого палива.
  8. Інші реагенти для екстракції ванадію, Екстрагент літію, Ферроекстрагент і рідкоземельний екстрагент.