Viet Nam DY902 copper extraction reagent

Viet Nam DY902 copper extraction reagent

Viet Nam DY902 copper extraction reagent is widely used in the mining industry in Vietnam for the extraction and recovery of copper from various ores and concentrates. It is a highly efficient and selective reagent that enables the separation of copper from other impurities in the ore, resulting in high-quality copper products.

Viet Nam DY902 copper extraction reagent
Viet Nam DY902 copper extraction reagent

Viet Nam DY902 copper extraction reagent is a type of organic extractant that belongs to the family of hydroxyoximes. It has a unique chemical structure that allows it to selectively bind with copper ions, forming a stable complex. This complex can be easily separated from the aqueous phase, facilitating the extraction of copper.

One of the key advantages of using Viet Nam DY902 copper extraction reagent is its high selectivity. It has a strong affinity for copper ions, allowing for the selective extraction of copper from complex ore matrices. This selectivity minimizes the extraction of impurities, resulting in higher purity copper products.

Viet Nam DY902 also exhibits excellent extraction kinetics, which means that it can efficiently extract copper ions from the aqueous phase within a short period of time. This is particularly beneficial in the mining operations in Vietnam where high throughput and productivity are essential.

Furthermore, Viet Nam DY902 has good stability and can withstand the challenging operating conditions often encountered in the mining industry, such as high temperatures and acidic environments. This makes it suitable for use in various extraction processes, including heap leaching, solvent extraction, and electrowinning.

In addition to its excellent extraction properties, Viet Nam DY902 copper extraction reagent is also known for its low toxicity and environmental friendliness. It is biodegradable and does not persist in the environment, making it a sustainable choice for copper extraction processes.

Viet Nam DY902 can be easily incorporated into existing copper extraction processes in Vietnam, and it can be used in combination with other reagents to optimize the extraction efficiency. Its versatility and compatibility with different process conditions make it an ideal choice for copper producers in Vietnam.

In conclusion, Viet Nam DY902 is a highly efficient and selective copper extraction reagent that offers numerous advantages for the mining industry in Vietnam. Its high selectivity, fast extraction kinetics, stability, and environmental friendliness make it a preferred choice for copper extraction processes. By utilizing Viet Nam DY902 copper extraction reagent, copper producers in Vietnam can achieve higher purity copper products and improve the overall efficiency of their operations, contributing to the growth and development of the copper mining sector in the country.

Our metal extractants as below:

  1. P204 (D2EHPA or HDEHP) This is used for first step to remove impurity for laterite nickel ore.
  2. DY319 high efficiency nickel cobalt co-extraction extractant for battery recycle, can take out nickel and cobalt together from Lithium battery electrolyte.
  3. DY272 Nickel cobalt separation extractant, it can take cobalt out from nickel cobalt solution, then leave pure nickel.
  4. DY988N/DY973N/DY902/DY5640 copper solvent extraction reagent.
  5. P507 non-ferrous metal extractant for copper, zinc, cobalt-nickel, cadmium, gold-silver, platinum group metals, rare earths and so on.
  6. DY377 efficient nickel and diamond separation extractant.
  7. DY366 Scandium extractant.
  8. DY316 Lithium extractant.